September 2011 – Dana Gillenwalters (ACF)

Dana came in soft-spoken, quiet, and of course adorable.  She was very much intimidated by CrossFit.  We see this all the time.  Unsure of themselves…”I can’t do pullups…can I CrossFit?”…”I can’t lift that much weight!”  It took some convincing from Caleb and the rest of the coaches…, “you can do this” and slowly but surely Dana truly started to believe and see…not only CAN she do this crazy thing called CrossFit she was kicking it’s A$$!

back squats push jerk

Dana has exemplified what it means to be a CrossFitter.  You will regularly see her working her weaknesses.  What an amazing experience to see her go from 0 Pullups in one week to 9 in a row the next week.

Nutrition?  Dialed in!  Dana prepares and it shows.  She is Paleo and Zone and it is paying humongous dividends.  Have you seen her before and after picture?  Hello!!!

Challenging herself?  Dana joined our Competitors program and infamously earned her nickname “Spillz” on the buddy carry WOD.  Heading out of the gate at a furious pace she fell but bounced right back up and immediately got back into the competition.  There is no crying in CrossFit…and Dana proved it!

It’s been an absolute pleasure to watch Dana become an incredible CrossFitter.  Dana is living proof that hard work, determination, and perseverance pays off and we are proud to announce her as our September 2011 Member of the Month!

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” –Benjamin Franklin