Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10 Rounds of:
:30 Calorie Bike
:15 Rest
:30 Chin Ups
:15 Rest
:30 Calorie Row
:15 Rest
:30 Foot Elevated Push-Ups*
:15 Rest
:30 Weighted Sit-Ups*
:15 Rest
* Weight (25/15) – Hold a Dumbbell on your chest while doing the Sit-Ups. For the Push-Ups, place feet on a Ballistic Block 6″ Height.
[Scale 1]:
Regular Push-Ups
Weighted Sit-Ups (15/10)
[Scale 2]:
Supinated Ring Rows
Regular or Segmented Push-Ups
AB Mat Sit-Ups (No Weight)