Saturday 040718

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Complete AMRAP A – REST 5 Minutes – Complete AMRAP B.

A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

In Teams of 2,


15 Minute AMRAP of:

50 Dumbbell Squats (50/35 per hand)

50′ Partner Wheelbarrow Walks

50 Pull-Ups

50′ Partner Wheelbarrow Walks

* Divide reps equally between partners with one partner working at a time. Switch after 25′ on the wheelbarrow walks or scaled walks.

[Scale 1]:

Dumbbells (40/20 per hand)

Pull-Ups: Reduce reps to 30 (15 each) if needed.

[Scale 2]:

Dumbbells (25/12 per hand)

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

In Teams of 2,


15 Minute AMRAP of:

50 Dumbbell Push Press (50/35 per hand)

2 Junk Yard Dogs per Partner

50 Knees to Elbow

2 Junk Yard Dogs per Partner

* Divide reps equally between partners with one partner working at a time.

1 Junk Yard Dog Rep =

Jump over partners right arm, then legs, then left arm. Jump all the way back. Then crawl under your partner while they hold a plank. Switch places.

[Scale 1]:

Dumbbells (40/20 per hand)

Scale to Toes to Bar: Reduce reps to 30 (15 each) if needed.

[Scale 2]:

Dumbbells (25/12 per hand)

Scale to Knee Tucks

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