Saturday 032418

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In Teams of 2,


8 minute AMRAP of:

Partner 1: Max Cal Bike

Partner 2: 1 Round of –

100’ Farmers Carry (70/53 per hand)

20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (70/35)

REST: 2 Minutes

8 Minute AMRAP of:

Partner 1: Max Burpees

Partner 2: 1 Round of –

50’ Bear Crawl

20 Toes to Bar

REST: 2 Minutes

8 minute AMRAP of:

Partner 1: Max Calorie Row

Partner 2: 1 Round of –

100’ Wall Ball Carry (20/14)*

20 Wall Balls (20/14)

*Alternate carrying the wall ball on the right or left shoulder every 50’.

*Switch roles after partner 2 completes a 1 round sprint through their station. The score is the total calories and burpees accumulated by both partners.

[Scale 1]:

Kettlebell (53/35)

Wall Ball (14/10)

Reduce reps so that you are able to do unbroken sets and not leave your partner hangin’!

[Scale 2]:

Kettlebell (45/30)

Wall Ball (10/8)

Knee Tucks

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