November 2018 – Nicole Chiudina

We are so excited to announce that Nicole Chiudina is our November 2018 Member of the Month! Anyone who knows Nicole will agree that she’s very deserving of this title! She works extremely hard in class and out, as well as outside of the gym doing races and competitions! There isn’t much she can’t Rx! Not only is she an inspiring athlete, she’s also generous with her time and willing to participate in fundraisers and events here at ACF. Here are some awesome things the coaching staff had to say about Nicole:

Coach James had this to say: “I’m happy that Nicole is member of the month! She’s a great athlete RXing most WODs and working on her weaknesses daily. Nicole is also a supportive member of our community and an example of that would be how she generously donated her time volunteering at Fall Face Off both the evening before and day of the event. A great example of Nicole’s character and willingness to help others occurred when she hopped on a team at Fall Face Off who had an injured member. She barely had any time to warm-up or prepare, but joined so that team could continue participating. It’s never easy deciding who should be member of the month, but Nicole is definitely deserving of the honor. Congrats Nicole!”

Coach Murph said: “When Nicole came Albany CrossFit, she was already a great athlete. She was strong and could RX some WODs. Over time she was able to RX all but the most difficult WODs. She quickly became a part of the community here. Nicole competed in our competitions and came to our events. Other athletes pushed themselves to keep up with her. She pushed to get better, working hard in class and looking for help to work on her weaknesses. All of those reasons would be more than enough for Nicole to become our latest member of the month. But, even more impressive to me is that Nicole did all of that while going to school. She is proof that you can commit yourself to improving even when your time is limited. And, if you make that commitment to yourself, you will reap the benefits. Congratulations on this overdue honor! P.S. Nicole showed up to volunteer at Fall Face Off on one of the few days she had free and when an athlete was injured she stepped in to allow that team to continue participating. That is truly the heart of a competitor!”

Coach Shye added: “There is one word to describe Nicole as an athlete, and as a person, impressive. Nicole was already an experienced CrossFit athlete when she joined Albany CrossFit in June 2016. She has fantastic barbell technique and consistently hits the Rx weight in the WODs. She also has worked hard to improve her gymnastics skills from double unders to rope climbing. She has been able to do all this while going to school to pursue her Masters Degree and now has a demanding job in her field of study, and yet finds the time to workout, volunteer at our events as well as continue to participate in CrossFit competitions. Congratulations Nicole!”

Coach Stacey said: “Congrats Nicole!! When you think of Nicole, you think wow, that chick is STRONG! Not only does she have physical toughness, but mental toughness as well, which is crucial in making an athlete great! When it comes to WODs, there isn’t much she can’t Rx, and she gives her all no matter what she’s doing. I’m especially thankful and proud of how she suited up and jumped in to help my team during a competition, when I was injured. This is just one example of how Nicole is as both an athlete and a valued member of our gym community. She is caring, generous and determined. It’s an absolute pleasure to coach her, as well as workout alongside her. This honor is long overdue! Keep doing you, Nicole! We look up to you and we are proud of your many accomplishments! Congrats, girl!”

Coach Louis mentioned: “Way overdue, but it’s never too late to honor such an athlete. Nicole has only added to her list of accomplishments. Spartan races, Peak to Brew (whiteface-utica saranac brewery 220+miles), numerous competitions in and outside our gym representing Albany CrossFit. She works hard to improve in classes and on her own. She is also a tremendous supporter of friends and community. Congrats. Continue to get stronger and refine your skill set and there will be no Rx WOD you can’t do.”

Coach Pat chimed in: “Nicole is a great athlete and a fantastic member of the community. She’s strong, a hard worker, and always puts the work in. She is supportive of the ACF community in everything we do. She constantly drives to do her best and supports everyone as they endeavor to do the same. Great to have in class as a coach and to work besides as an athlete.”

Coach Chris added: “So glad Nicole is the member of the month. She is constantly setting the bar in the WODs and is often number 1 on the leaderboard. She’s always pushing and RXing workouts and she continues to get better. Nicole is an active member in our community, participating in ACF functions in and out of the gym. Congratulations Nicole!!”

Congratulations again, from the entire Coaching Staff, on being the 2018 November Member of the Month, Nicole!