Monday 121514


Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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WOD Prep / Skills

Banded Wrist Distraction (No Measure)

2 Minutes / Side

Function WOD

CrossFit Games WOD 13.4 – Function (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

7 Minute AMRAP of:

3 Hang-Clean and Jerk (115/75)

3 Toes-To-Bar

6 Hang-Clean and Jerk

6 Toes-To-Bar

9 Hang-Clean and Jerk

9 Toes-To-Bar

12 Hang-Clean and Jerk

12 Toes-To-Bar

*If you complete the round of 12 go on to 15. If you complete 15, go on to 18, etc.

Sport WOD

CrossFit Games Open 13.4 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Complete AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
3 Clean and Jerk
3 Toes-To-Bar
6 Clean and Jerk
6 Toes-To-Bar
9 Clean and Jerk
9 Toes-To-Bar
12 Clean and Jerk
12 Toes-To-Bar
15 Clean and Jerk
15 Toes-To-Bar
18 Clean and Jerk
18 Toes-To-Bar
21 Clean and Jerk
21 Toes-To-Bar
*If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
Clean & Jerk (135/95)


3×2: Front Squat

Slightly heavier than last week.

Injury Prevention

Couch Stretch (No Measure)

4 Minutes / Side

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