Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Workout of the Day
* Complete 1 Set of the complex every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes @ 30% 1RM Back Squat, Across.
Do not increase weight from set to set, the focus should be quality movement, not weight.
[Scale 1]:
No Change
[Scale 2]:
Use a weight that allows for good technique on all sets.
Lunge & Hinge Complex
8 Romanian Deadlift +
4 Reverse Front Rack Lunge / Side
8 Good Morning
4 Overhead Lunge / Side
After Party
* Complete in 15 Minutes.
Metcon (No Measure)
8 Super Sets of:
B1.) 4 Ring Archer Push-Ups
B2.) 4 Single Arm Ring Rows / Side
[Scale 1]:
B1.) Scale Ring Archer Push-Up by walking feet forward.
B2.) Make Ring Rows as challenging as possible.
[Scale 2]:
B1.) 4 Challenging TEMPO Ring Push-Ups (:4 Lowering Down, :2 Pause at Bottom, Normal Press).
B2.) 8 Ring Rows