Monday 082216

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Workout of the Day

Complete A.) as a class with a 12 Minute Time Cap.


Rest 5 Minutes

Complete B.) as a class with a 12 Minute Time Cap.

Done before the cap? Cheer on your neighbor!

A.): Metcon (Time)

40-30-20-10 of:

Toes To Bar

Wall Balls (20/14)

[Scale 1]:

40-30-20-10 of:

Single Legged Toes To Bar*

Wall Balls (14/10)

* Every rep counts for the total number of reps on Single Legged Toes To Bar.

[Scale 2]:

30-20-10-5 of:

Knee Tucks

Wall-Balls (10/8)

B.): Metcon (Time)

40-30-20-10 of:

Hip Extension Holding Plate (25/15)

Wall Balls (20/14)

[Scale 1]:

40-30-20-10 of:

Good Mornings (45/35)

Wall Balls (14/10)

[Scale 2]:

30-20-10-5 of:

Good Mornings (35/25)

Wall Balls (10/8)

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