Monday 061019

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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πŸ”Ή Mobility Flows:

2 Mins: Scorpion to Cobra to Downward Dog

2 Mins: Downward Dog to Pigeon

2 Mins: Downward Dog to Reaching Lizard Twist

πŸ”Ή Handstand Walking Practice


30 Min. Time Cap.

Choose A, B, or C.

A: 400m (1,312’) Handstand Walk

B: 400m (1,312’) High Butt Bear Crawl

C: 100 Wall Walks

πŸ”Ή DISTANCES: Modify to 200m or 300m.

πŸ”Ή REPS: 50 to 75 Wall Walks.

πŸ”Ή WALL WALKS: Modify height of the walk.

πŸ”Ή COMBO: scale to a combo of two exercises. Example: 5 Rounds of: 10 Wall Walks + 50m (164’) High Butt Bear Crawl. Record score under either section C and note scaling.

A: 400m Handstand Walk (Time)

B: 400m High Butt Bear Crawl (Time)

C: 100 Wall Walks (Nose to Wall) (Time)


Full Body Foam Roll (No Measure)

Spend some quality time with the Foam Roller in or outside of class.

Perform 10-20 passes per for the following areas:

– Lats

– Upper Back

– Lower Back

– Quads

– Inner Thigh

– Hamstrings

– Glutes

– Calves

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