Keeping Track

Jenny discusses the importance of recording your progress:

I’m willing to bet that what brought you into the doors of ACF or CCP was a desire to get or be better—whether it be to get stronger, leaner, or otherwise—you’re here to improve some aspect of your life. Your route to getting there is via fitness.albany fitness

So now I want to know, how far have you gotten?

Oh, what? You don’t know.

What do you mean you don’t know?

Haven’t you been logging your WODs?

What about recording your benchmarks?

What are you doing to track your progress?

How do you expect to know how far you’ve come, or how much further you have left to go, if you are not writing anything down? Would you drive your car blindfolded?


Then what makes you think it’s okay to walk blindfolded on your route to fitness?

If you’re not already, I encourage you to consistently track all the training and practice you’re doing. You’ll need measurable data that you can compare and scrutinize to be able to accurately evaluate your progress. And don’t forget to put a time frame on your goal. Once the time is up, honestly evaluate whether you have met your expected outcome. If you have, excellent! Time to set a new goal. If you have not yet met your outcome, then take the time to review your log and use it as a tool to re-direct your efforts. Perhaps you were over-training or even under- training. Reflecting back will help you plan your future.

If you don’t already have one, purchase either a WOD book or composition notebook and start recording your workouts and skill work. If you have goals in mind, but either aren’t sure how to get there or could use a little encouragement, ask a coach and we’ll help get you on track.

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