We are excited to announce that Heather Christensen is kicking off the new year as our January 2018 Member of the Month! Heather is an outstanding example of what being a member of the ACF community is all about! We are so proud of her accomplishments!
Here are some of the awesome things our coaches had to say about Heather:

Coach Shye had this to say: “Heather first walked through our doors during our Festivus party in December 2016 and has been a great addition to our community ever since. She has made great strides in her fitness from consistently hitting PRs in her lifts to stringing together double unders. She also is so supportive of the other athletes. Congratulations Heather!!”

Coach Louis said: “Heather is one of the most inclusive persons I have met. Since starting at ACF, she immediately began to make friends through wods, rally many members to play wallyball, attend and participate with gym events and group dinners. Never afraid of challenging herself and has constantly hit new PRs. In the last few months she’s strung together double unders; and at Friday night fights hit PRs in 3 big lifts. A 50lb clean and jerk PR, 185 lb back squat PR which was once again increased to 200lb. Snatch PR after doing 20 regular push ups for first time in a wod. Moves well, takes coaching ques and is always competing with herself to (be)tter. Very selfless and always cheering others on. She stands out in every crowd for good reason. Great community member to bring in new year. Congrats Heather, but your work has only begun!”

Coach Chris said: “Heather is a great member of ACF. She is constantly improving and getting stronger each WOD. She is always very supportive of other athletes and always has a positive attitude and a smile. We are very lucky to have Heather at ACF. Congratulations and keep up the great work Heather!

Coach Kat chimed in: “Heather has been nothing but an amazing addition to our community here at Albany CrossFit. Her desire to get better, along with her positivity makes her the perfect pick to start the new year as our member of the month. If there is anyone in the gym that models what we strive to be as an athlete and community member, Heather is it. Congratulations Heather!”

Coach James had this to say: “Heather has been a member of our community for a little over a year now and it has been awesome to coach her and see her fitness improve on a regular basis at the 5:00pm class. Since joining the gym Heather has accomplished so many awesome feats – to name a few: she has gained the ability to do rope climbs, gets better and better at double unders everyday, and PRed her 500m Row by 1 second! Heather also regularly sets new PRs on her barbell skills recently snatching 90.5 lbs. (20.5 lbs. improvement) and increased her CrossFit Total from 335 lbs. to 495 lbs! Simply put, Heather is a badass. Albany CrossFit is a better place having her within its doors and I’m excited to see Heather keep getting better. Congrats Heather!”

Coach Murph added: “Heather has made made some big improvements in her fitness since she came to Albany CrossFit, and with those accomplishments alone, she deserves to be considered for member of the month. But, the fact that she is such an active community member makes her the clear choice. She’s been attending our events before she was even a member! She is always either competing or volunteering at our Friday Night Fights. Heather helps make Albany CrossFit more than a gym. She is what this community is all about!”

Coach Stacey mentioned: “Yeah, Heather!! I am so excited that Heather is our first Member of the Month for 2018! She has such an amazing personality and is always striving to improve when she is in the gym. She does everything with a smile, and that smile is contagious! I remember when she first joined ACF, after going through OnRamp, she was eager to make friends and be a part of the community. She participates in events both in and out of the gym, and is such a fun athlete to coach! I am always blown away every time I see her and how much progress she has made! I expect nothing but amazing things from her in 2018! Congrats Heather!”

Coach Pat added: “Heather epitomizes the kind of athlete we look for in Member of the Month. She works hard every class, she is easy to coach, asks the right questions and is a great cheerleader for everyone in class. She makes great strides every times she comes in and is a fantastic member of the ACF community!”

Congratulations again, from the entire Coaching Staff, on being the 2018 January Member of the Month, Heather!

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