Friday 110813

WOD: "Heartbreak Kid"
3 RFT:
10 Front Squats, 185/135
20 Chest to bar
50 Double Unders

15 Minute time cap

WOD Strategy: The front squats for this workout are going to be challenging and that is the stimulus that we are looking for. If you are scaling the weight it should be something that will still test you both physically and mentally to complete the set of 10. To keep a steady pace I would recommend breaking up the pull-ups into sets that you can manage throughout the entire workout. When doing the double unders just try to get through them unbroken. As each round passes the front squats will become more challenging, so make sure you scale appropriately and break up each movement into rep schemes that you know you can handle the entire time of the workout.

2.  Skills
EMOM for 10 minutes: