Friday 090613

Friday (9/6)
WOD Prep:
A) Wall Slides 1 x 12
B) Scap-Push-Ups 1 x 12
* Squeeze The Shoulder Blades Together for 3 Seconds Then Spread Them Apart.
1. For Time: Reps of: Jerk (135w/185m) Reps of: Pull ups
* Perform 10 Jerks Then 2 Pull-Ups.
** Continue this process by decreasing reps on the Jerk by 1 and increasing reps on the pull-ups by adding 2.
* 20 Minute Time Cap
2. Overhead Squats (Pausing) 5 x 5 @ 40%1RM
* 3-5 second pause at the "rock" bottom of each rep.  Lighter and lower is better.
* Rest 1 Minute Between Sets
* 12 Minute Time Cap
Injury Prevention:
* Hold For 1 Minute Per Side
* Hold For 2 Minutes
Fall Face Off 2013 Events
Event One

Event Two

Event Three

Events Four & Five

Event Six