Friday 011819

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

2 Mins. per side, Banded Hip PNF Stretch


Deadlift/Sumo Deadlift Technique

15 Mins. to build to a heavy set of 5 Sumo Deadlifts.

* Double Overhand Grip Only. Aim to start first attempt around 70 to 75% 1rm.

Sumo Deadlift (Heavy Set of 5)


12 Min. Time Cap.

Metcon (Time)

21-15-9 of:

Deadlifts (Double Overhand Grip) (225/155)

Strict Chin-Ups (Underhand Grip)

[Scale 1]:

Deadlift Reps: 21-15-9

Overhand Grip for DL

Weight (155/105)

S. Chin-Up Reps: 15-12-9

[Scale 2]:

21-15-9 of:

Deadlifts (95/65)

Overhand Grip for DL

Supine Grip Ring Rows


Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.

Focus on your breathing and relax.

1 Min. Supine Twist Pose / Side

1 Min. Puppy Dog Pose

1 Min. Child’s Pose

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