Fall Face Off Countdown!


Fall Face Off is just 48 hours away! We hope you and your team have been finalizing your game plans for this weekend and are ready to have a good time. Our competition T-Shirts have just recently come in. Check them out below (modeled by the lovely Nancy).


More Important Information

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  • Not signed up yet? No problem! You still have plenty of time to sign up for the event.
  • We are still looking for volunteers. If you are available to help out please email [email protected].
  • Albany CrossFit Members: The parking lot will be roped off Thursday night as we prepare for the event.
  • Albany CrossFit Members: The last class on Friday will be the 3:00pm. Plan schedules accordingly.
  • Albany CrossFit Members: The gym is closed all day Saturday.
  • Amy Hoehn will be at the event to do body work on athletes at a rate of $1 a minute.
  • Effortlessly Heathly will be our on site food truck. They were a vendor at regionals and have outstanding food.
  • Stay True Photography will be shooting the action, but we also encourage the community to take as many photos as possible!



[button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE” size=”medium” src=”http://www.eventbrite.com/e/albany-crossfit-fall-face-off-tickets-12826722071″]Register Your Team Here![/button]



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