Class clown. Every place has one. And lucky for everyone who frequents the noon classes at CrossFit Clifton Park, they get to experience the hilarious shenanigans while most others are fighting through their mid-day lull at work. Matt is an integral part of this hysterical, sometimes raucous, and always supportive tight-knit group that resides at the lunch time classes.
Aside from being the love-able jokester, Matt has shown tremendous dedication as an athlete since beginning his journey at CrossFit. He works religiously on his pullups, tests his strength at every opportunity, and has not let adversity hinder his progress. As a result, he's lost over 25 pounds and has seen massive improvements amongst all his workouts. Just recently he posted a 230 pound front squat for a 1RM, and also set a huge PR on his last 5k run at 24:34 (make note that he was only aiming for 27 minutes). And, you better believe that his first pullup is just waiting in the wings to tack on to the list of accomplishments. How's that for progress?!
You can't say enough about Matt, he puts his best out there every class, encourages all around him, and has a damn good time while doing it. That's what embodies a great member of this community, and that is why he is now joining the ranks as Member of the Month.