Tuesday 102318

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds of:

:30 Squat Hold

Rest :10

:30 Overhead Squats (PVC or Bar)

Rest :10

:30 AB Mat Sit-Ups

Rest :10

:30 Good Mornings (PVC or Bar)

Rest :10

:30 Pull-Ups

Rest :10

:30 Ring Dips

Rest :10


Barbell or Ring Rows

Matador Dips or Push-Ups


25 Min. Time Cap.

5k Row (Time)

Max Effort 5k Row
[Scale 1]:

No Change

[Scale 2]:

Max distance within Time Cap or 5k, whichever comes first.


Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.

Focus on your breathing and relax.

1 Min. Half Saddle Pose / Side

1 Min. Supine Twist / Side

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