Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Skills Practice
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Sets:
:10 Hollow Hold
Rest :10
:20 Hollow Raises
Rest :20
:30 Hollow Rocks
Rest :30
Modify movements by tucking knees or lowering arms to maintain the hollow position.
20 Min. Time Cap.
Metcon (Time)
7 Rounds:
15 Hip Extensions
3 Strict Muscle Ups
[Scale 1]:
7 Rounds:
15 Good Mornings (65/45)
1-3 Muscle Ups, 6 Strict Pull-Ups, or 3 Boxer Pose Muscle Ups
[Scale 2]:
7 Rounds:
10 Good Mornings (45/35)
3 Muscle Up Transitions or Rope Rows
Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.
Focus on your breathing and relax.
2 Min. Standing Straddle Pose
1 Min. Seated Leg Forward Fold Pose / Side