Thursday 072618

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

7 Minute AMRAP for Quality:

50′ Handstand Walks

10 Overhead Alternating Pistols (PVC)

[Scale 1]:

25′ Handstand Walks or Attempts

10 Alternating Pistols

[Scale 2]:

Alternated between 3 Wall Walks & 50′ Bear Crawls

10 Scaled Pistols (off a box, to a box, bottoms up, foot wrap).


Every :90 x 10:

Sets 1-3: 1 Paused Overhead Squat @ 70% 1rm, Across (:5 Pause)

Sets 4-5: 1 Paused Overhead Squat @ 75% 1rm, Across (:3 Pause)

Sets 6-10: 1 Overhead Squat @ 80% 1rm, Climbing

[Scale 1]:

No Change

[Scale 2]:

Start at a moderate weight and complete all the paused sets.

Then add weight build up for the last 5 sets and find a heavy 1 rep with good technique.

Overhead Squat


7 Minute Time Cap.

Metcon (Time)

21-15-9 of:

Toes to Bar

Ring Dips

[Scale 1]:

Reduce reps to 15-12-9


21-15-9 of:

Toes to Bar

Matador Dips

[Scale 2]:

21-15-9 of:

Knee Tucks

Scaled Dips

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