Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Workout of the Day
Test 3 (AMRAP – Reps)
Tabata (:20 On, :10 Off – 8 Rounds) of:
Air Squats
* Tabata Score = Lowest Number of Squats performed throughout workout.
Immediately after the last :10 rest period.
4 Minute AMRAP of:
Muscle Ups
*WOD Score = Tabata Score multiplied by number of Muscle Ups performed.
[Scale 1]:
No Change
[Scale 2]:
Tabata Squats – No Change
Muscle Up Transitions
Metcon (Distance)
On The Minute x 12:
ODD: 6 Renegade Rows / Side (53/35)
EVEN: :45 MAX Distance Farmer’s Carry (53/35)
* Score is distance.
[Scale 1]:
Weight (45/30)
[Scale 2]:
Weight (35/25)
* If using weights less than 30 lbs. use dumbbells.