Friday 052915


* Big day tomorrow!
1.) Bring a Friend (or a few) to any class on the schedule.
2.) Coach Jim’s Endurance class starts at 9:00am!

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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A): Snatch Skill Transfer Exercises (No Measure)

2 Sets of:

3 Snatch Grip Push Press (Behind Neck)

3 Overhead Squat

3 Press Under

3 Heaving Snatch Balance

3 Snatch Balance

B): Snatch Technique (No Measure)



Build to a 1RM Snatch in 25 Minutes.

After Party

2015 Masters Qualfyer Event 1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 Minute AMRAP of:

5 Muscle Ups

10 Cleans (155/105)