Main – WOD – (Be)tter
Big Clean Complex
6 climbing sets of:
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk
Fitness: The goal is to work on technique. Go through the High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Push Press and then Rest as needed. Perform another set of the same complex. After you have completed that complex, then move on to the High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Push Jerk. Complete two sets of this complex, and then move on to the next complex.
Sport: Each set of the “Big Clean Complex” consists of 12 unbroken reps. Repeat this sequence six times, resting as needed between sets and climb up in weight every set.
Metcon (14 Rounds for reps)
14 Minute EMOM:
Odd: 10-20 Wall balls (20/14)
Even: 5 Push-ups
On the Odd minute you will do 10-20 Wallballs. On the Even minute you will do 5 push-ups. No snaking will be allowed. The goal is to make these the best push ups you have ever done.
Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (3 Sets of 20 Unbroken)
Burpee Muscle ups (Time)
30 Burpee Muscle ups for time
Rings set at six inches above max reach.