Main – WOD – (Be)tter
Gas Tank! (Time)
3 Rounds, Max reps of:
1 min Box Jump Overs (24/20)
1 min Toes to Bar
1 min Deadlifts (225/155)
1 min Rest
Approach this workout just like fight gone bad. Have a set number of reps that you want to hit for each movement. Use the first round to test whether or not you can stick with that rep scheme or if you have to make adjustments. Enjoy that one minute rest period, because when it is over it is time to get right back to it. Round two and especially three will start to test your mental toughness. Push those negative thoughts out of your head and just keep moving!
Fitness and Sport
EMOM: 12 minute EMOM (12 Rounds for reps)
Odd: 5 OHS below 50% of 1RM
Even: 50 Double unders