Tuesday 112712

Warm-Up: albany fitness

2 Rounds:

30 second Hollow Rock Hold

20 Superman Rocks

15 Spiderman Lunges

10 Inchworms



Back Squat:
-Every 30 seconds for 4:00 minutes – 1 rep @ 85% (9 total reps)
-Rest exactly 2 minutes.
-Every minute on the minute for 4:00 minutes – 1 rep @ 90% (5 total reps)



2 minutes ME Row for Calories

-rest 2 minutes

4 minute AMRAP of:
15 Pushups (hand release)
10 T2B

-rest 2 minutes

4 minute AMRAP of:
15 Jumping Squats 45#
10 Pullups

-rest 2 minutes

2 minutes ME Row for Calories


Link of the Day

This Week's Mobility

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