90 Day Challenge Champion!

Joe Sinisgalli!

UntitledPrior to joining Albany CrossFit last November, Joe was very active, but unfortunately he was sidelined for two years by a serious knee injury.  During this time Joe put on weight, his stamina decreased and he lost motivation to do things he was once passionate about. Eventually however, enough was enough and Joe decided to change his lifestyle for the better and signed up for our On Ramp Course and then the 90 Day Challenge.



For the past six months Joe has put his head down and worked extremely hard to get to where he is right now. Some of his achievements in the 90 Day Challenge were:

  • Losing 33lbs of bodyweight and a combined total of 13.5 inches from his Neck, Waist and Hips.
  • Increased his strength by Adding 50lbs to his Back Squat (195 up to 245), 40lbs to his Snatch (115 up to 155) and he can now do Pull-Ups!.
  • Gained more stamina and endurance by increasing his 3 Minutes Max Push Up Reps (21 reps up to 63 reps) and killed the 7 Minutes of Burpees WOD going from 43 reps up to 74 reps.

Congratulations Joe! Your hard work over the last few months has truly paid off.

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