Wednesday 082918

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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15 Mins. to build to a max weight on the complex (from the rack).

If you PR an individual lift, log the score under sections B, C, D, or E.

Re-test from 11.27.18

A: .com Overhead Complex

1 Thruster +

1 Push Press +

1 Push Jerk +

1 Split Jerk

B: Thruster

C: Push Press

D: Push Jerk

E: Split Jerk


15 Min. Time Cap.

Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds of:

50′ One Arm Kettlebell Overhead Lunge (70/53 per hand)*

25 GHD Sit-Ups

* Hold one kettlebell overhead and the other at the shoulder. Switch overhead arm each round.

[Scale 1]:

4 Rounds of:

50′ One Arm Kettlebell Overhead Lunge (53/35 per hand)

25 V- or Tuck-Ups

[Scale 2]:

4 Rounds of:

50′ Double Kettlebell Front Rack Lunge (35/26 per hand)

25 AB Mat Sit-Ups


Couch Stretch

2 Mins. per side.

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