Sunday 061718

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

On a Tabata Timer,

(:20 On, :10 Off x 12 Total Rounds)

Squat Therapy

Scap Push-Ups

Scap Pull-Ups

* Slow and controlled movements.


35 Minute Time Cap.

Barbara (Time)

Five Rounds for time:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
*3-minute rest after each round*
[Scale 1]:

4 Rounds of original reps


5 Rounds of:

10 Pull-Ups

20 Push-Ups

30 Sit-Ups

40 Air Squats

* 3 Minutes Rest

[Scale 2]:

5 Rounds of:

10 Kneeling Barbell Pull-Ups

15 Push-Ups

25 Sit-Ups

30 Air Squats

* 3 Minutes Rest


LAX Ball on the Foot

2 Minutes per Side.

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