Saturday 040817

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Workout of the Day

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

30 Minute AMRAP,

In Teams of 2:

Partner A.) 1,000m Row

Partner B.) AMRAP


4 Handstand Push-Ups

8 Burpees

12 Alternating Pistols

* Both partners are working at the same time. Switch stations when Partner A.) completes the 1,000m Row. Partner A.) starts where Partner B.) ended in the AMRAP.

Score = Total Rounds n’ Reps of the AMRAP.

[Scale 1]:

HSPU w/ 1-2 AB Mats

No other changes.

[Scale 2 & 3]:


6 Dumbbell Strict Press*

8 Burpees or Squat Thrust

12 Alternating Lunges

* Pick a weight that allows for a really challenging 6 reps.

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