Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
2 Round of:
1 Min. Jog (in Place or for distance)
1 Min. Push Up w. Downward Dog
1 Min. Air Squats
Metcon (6 Rounds for time)
“Sea World”
On the 5:00 x 6:
10 Alternating DB Power Clean and Jerks
400m Run
100m 1-Arm Farmers Carry
Weight: Choose a weight that allows for 10 reps in a row. Modify to KB or DB swings if unable to clean.
400m Run: Reduce the distance to complete in 2 mins. or less. Modify to 400m Row or 800-1,000m Bike (As long as less than 2 mins.)
100m Farmers Carry: Reduce the weight to allow for no more than 2 drops. Carry weights or an odd object from around the house.