Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Skills Practice
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
For Quality,
3 Sets of:
:45 Half Kneeling KB Windmill Press (Right)
:45 Half Kneeling KB Windmill Press (Right)
:45 Inverted Shoulder Taps
:45 Hanging Hip Touches
* You choose the KB weight.
[Scale 1]:
Foot Elevated Shoulder Taps (Boxes, Plates, etc..)
Pull-Up Bar Traverse
[Scale 2]:
Slow & Controlled Shoulder Taps
Accumulate time hanging
15 Minute Time Cap.
AGQ Workout 2 (Time)
4 Rounds of:
25 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
5 Cleans (245/170)
[Scale 1]:
4 Rounds of:
25 Pull-Ups
5 Cleans (155/105)
[Scale 2]:
4 Rounds of:
15 Ring Rows
5 Cleans (95/65)
Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.
Focus on your breathing and relax.
2 Mins. Puppy Dog Pose
1 Min. Twisted Cross Pose (Right)
1 Min. Twisted Cross Pose (Left)
1 Min. Thread The Needle (Right)
1 Min. Thread The Needle (Left)