Monday 012218

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter


Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes:

5 Bench Press @ 70% 1rm, Climbing

10 Chin Ups

* Record best Bench Press weight under section A. On the last set complete MAX Chin-Ups in the remaining time. Record this score under section B.

[Scale 1]:

5 Bench Press @ 70% 1rm, Across

5-7 Chin Ups

[Scale 2]:

5 Bench Press @ Moderate Weight

10 Supine Ring Rows

A: Bench Press (5 x 5 @ 70% 1rm, Climbing)

B: Chin-Ups (4 x 10 then, 1 x MAX)


7 Minute Time Cap.

CrossFit Games Open 18.0 (Time)

21-15-9 of:

Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

Burpees, Jumping Over The Dumbbell

[Scale 1 – Ages 16-54]:

21-15-9 of:

Dumbbell Snatches (35/20)

Burpees, Stepping Over The Dumbbell

[Scale 2 – Teenagers 14-15 and Masters 55+]:

21-15-9 of:

Dumbbell Snatches (20/10)

Burpees, Stepping Over The Dumbbell

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