Friday 042018

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

For Quality Every :45 x 2 of:

Set 1: Contralateral Inchworms

(Hands and Feet both moving)

Set 2: CrossOver Step Up

(Right Side on Ballistic Block)

Set 3: CrossOver Step Up

(Left Side on Ballistic Block)

Set 4: Kneeling Wall Balls for MAX Height

(You Choose the Weight)


17 Minute Time Cap.

If you PR your 2k time while crushing the WOD record it under section B.

A: 2012 Regionals 12.2 (Time)

2,000m Row

50 Alternating Pistols

30 Hang Cleans (225/135)

[Scale 1]:

2,000m Row

50 Alternating Pistols

30 Hang Cleans (155/95)

[Scale 2]:

1,400m Row

34 Alternating Scaled Pistols

22 Hang Cleans (105/65)

B: 2k Row (Time)

Max Effort 2k Row


Double Trouble L-Sit (Time)

3 Attempts for MAX Time of:

Hanging L-Sit

Ring L-Sit

* The score is your best Hanging + best Ring L-Sit.

Rest as needed between attempts and exercises.

[Scale 1]:

Hanging Knee Tuck Hold

Ring Knee Tuck Hold

[Scale 2]:

Hanging Hollow Hold

Ring Support (or Ring Push-Up) Hold

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