Friday 021618

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter


Every 2:30 Minutes x 5:

3 Overhead Squats @ 75% 1rm, Climbing

[Scale 1]:

3 Overhead Squats @ 75% 1rm, Across

[Scale 2]:

3 Overhead Squats @ Moderate Weight

Overhead Squat (5 x 3 @ 75% 1rm, Climbing)


Scale 1 is 15.2 Scaled. Scaling for Scale 2 is listed under that section.

CrossFit Games Open 14.2 and 15.2 (AMRAP – Reps)

Includes Masters up to 54 years old

0:00 – 3:00

2 Rounds of:

10 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#

10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

3:00 – 6:00

2 Rounds of:

12 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#

12 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

6:00 – 9:00

2 Rounds of:

14 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#

14 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

The ladder will ascend every 3-minutes until the athlete can not complete the ladder.

CrossFit Games Open 15.2 Scaled (AMRAP – Reps)

Includes Masters up to 54 years old

0:00 – 3:00

2 Rounds of:

6 Overhead Squats, 65# / 45#

6 Chin-over-Bar Pull-ups

3:00 – 6:00

2 Rounds of:

8 Overhead Squats, 65# / 45#

8 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-ups

6:00 – 9:00

2 Rounds of:

10 Overhead Squats, 65# / 45#

10 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-ups

The ladder will ascend every 3-minutes until the athlete can not complete the ladder.
[Scale 2]:

Use Original Rep Scheme

Front Squats (65/45)

Ring Rows

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