Wednesday 031815


Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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WOD Prep / Skills

Metcon (No Measure)

2 Rounds For QUALITY of:

15 Hollow Rocks or Raises

5 Inchworms

15 Superman Rocks or Raises

5 Reverse Inchworms


Bent Over Row

* Build to a challenging 10 reps in 12 Minutes.


Build-A-WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 Minute AMRAP of:

5 Movement A

10 Movement B

15 Movement C

(Choose One Movement From Each Category to Build Your Own WOD).

A) Handstand Push-Ups, Ring Drips, or Hand Release Push-Up

B) Pull-Ups, Toes 2 Bar, or Alternating Pistols

C) Kettlebell Swings (53/35), Calorie Row, or Burpees


20 Minute AMRAP of:

5 Ring Dips

10 Total Alternating Pistols

15 Calorie Row

* You can only pick one movement from each category.

Injury Prevention

Foam Roll Lats (No Measure)

1 x 20

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