Tuesday 120313

For time:
25 Burpees
3 Rounds For Time:
10 Deadlifts (275/185)
50 Double unders
Then: 25 Burpees 
12 minute time cap 
WOD Strategy: This workout will be an all out sprint. The first 25 burpees should be done at a moderately fast pace. During this first set, focus on breathing and continuously moving. The deadlift weight for this workout should be a weight that you can hit all three sets unbroken. After you are done with the deadlift, take a second to relax and get started on your double unders. After you have completed all three rounds immediately drop to the ground and try to get through those last 25 burpees as fast as possible.
Fitness: Skills
Handstand Practice
Sport: Skills
12 min Muscle up wave
Minute 1 – complete 1 muscle up
Minute 2 – complete 2 unbroken muscle ups
Minute 3 – complete 3 unbroken muscle ups…
Continue as long as possible and then reset at 1 and continue for the remaining part of the 12 minutes.
25 Days of Christmas
2 minute AMRAP:
10 Russian Kb swings (70/53)