Tuesday 091713 To Wednesday 091813

Upcoming Events
Tuesday (9/17)
WOD Prep:
* 2 Minutes Per Side
1. 10 Minute AMRAP of:
Power Cleans (135/95)
Push ups
15 Air Squats
2. 10 x 10 Unbroken Box Jumps
* Use a Box Height You That Is Higher Than You Would Normally Use.
** Rest A Full 60 Seconds Between Sets
* 15 Minute Time Cap
Injury Prevention:
* 2 Minutes Per Side
Wednesday (9/18)
WOD Prep:
A) 5 Slow Inch Worm
B) 5 Slow Reverse Inch Worm
* Go Slow! Focus on the stretch. Keep the Elbows & Knees straight.
1. Perform 3 sets of the following Complex:
8 Press
* Use a Moderately Heavy Weight.
** Do Not Let Go Of The Bar Between Movements.
** Rest 2 Minutes Between Working Sets
* 15 Minute Time Cap
20 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Power Cleans (145/100)
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
Injury Prevention:
Squat Test: Sit at the bottom of your air squat for 8 Minutes.
Accumulate as much time as possible without standing up.
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