Thursday 011614

Main – WOD – (Be)tter

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Metcon (Time)


30 Snatches for time (155/105)
Snatches can be power or squat
EMOM complete 30 Double unders

The WOD will start with Snatches. On minute two you will do 30 Double Unders
and then as many snatches as you can for the remainder of that minute.

30 Minute Time Cap


4 Position Snatch (5 sets of 4 )

5 sets of: 4-Position Snatch
Position 1: High Hang (pockets) – should mimic the bottom of the dip on a push press. Vertical torso, bar at hips, weight in mid-foot.
Position 2: Mid Thigh – chest over the bar, bar close to thighs, weight in mid-foot.
Position 3: Low Hang (below knees) – looking for vertical shins and chest as high as possible.
Position 4: Full Snatch (from the floor) – looking to hit all the position throughout the lift.
This is not suppose to be a heavy set. Go lighter and drill in the positions.
Every rep is done as a squat snatch.
The idea is to dial in the first position.
Then dial in the second position and pass through position 1.
Then dial in position position 3 and pass through 2 and 1.
Then do a full snatch passing through every position.