Sunday 110214


WOD’s can be scaled for athletes of all abilities

Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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WOD Prep

1×10: Hollow Rocks or Raises (No Measure)

1×10: Superman Rocks or Raises (No Measure)


Strict Pull Ups (Function/Sport: 3×1. Scaled: 3×2.)


Superset the exercises below.

No rest between exercises.

Exactly 2 minutes of rest between sets.

A1): Pull-Up Negatives (4×3)

A2): One Arm Dumbbell Row (4 x 10 / Side.)

Function & Sport

Annie Burner (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 Minute AMRAP of:

4 Situps, 10 Double Unders

8 Situps, 20 Double Unders

12 Situps, 30 Double Unders

16 Situps, 40 Double Unders

20 Situps, 50 Double Unders

* Continue the pattern adding reps each round until time is called.

Injury Prevention

LAX Ball in Forearms (No Measure)

Double LAX Ball in Traps (No Measure)