Fall Face Off Standards

Albany CrossFit presents the 6th annual 

Fall Face Off

Saturday, October 24

9:00am – 5:00pm

Divisions and Standards


Fall Face Off is quickly approaching and in the coming weeks we will have lots of exciting information to announce.

Judging Standards:

Fall Face Off will use CrossFit Games standards for all movements unless otherwise specified. 


Athletes may chose to be placed in the RX Or scaled Divisions.  All athletes will participate in 4 events with the chance of an additional final event. Some events may yield more than one score or offer additional points..

 RX Division:

The RX division is designed for athletes with a strong foundation in CrossFit and to test them across all of the domains of fitness. RX teams should expect to see movements such as Muscle Ups, Handstand Push Ups, Pistols, Rope Climbs, Snatches @185/115, Clean and Jerk @ 225/155, Double Unders and be able to hit most WODs RX. Not all team members are required to hit these standards.

Scaled Division:

The Scaled division is designed to give athletes a taste for competition and allow them to challenge themselves in a fun way. Scaled teams should expect to see scaled versions of the above movements. Examples would be Ring Rows instead of Pull Ups or Push Ups instead of Handstand Push Ups.


Added Bonus: **Prized will be awarded to the top teams in EACH workout in both the scaled and Rx divisions!**


 For more information Click Here

To Register  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-albany-crosfit-fall-face-off-tickets-17150418363

More questions? Email Us – info.albanycrossfit.com




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