Christine McAuley: aka Muscles McAuley

I honestly enjoy the community of Albany CrossFit so much. I moved to the area knowing only one person, and it was difficult to make friends. Now, I have so many friends – almost all of them are from Albany CrossFit, which is nice because we all have similar goals and interests, and we can support each other. I also love how much Albany CrossFit has to offer in terms of class times, class variety and equipment.
Every day, I look forward to getting out of work and going to the gym. It's like an escape from the pressures of real life. When I am at Albany CrossFit, I don't have to think about anything but improving myself, and it is such a big stress reliever. If I have a rough day, moving heavy weight or swinging from a bar will always make my day better. It's also exciting to constantly get better- recording my workouts allows me to see my improvements, and that makes me happy and wanting to come back day after day.
Besides the obvious physical improvements (body fat percentage, and strength), my biggest improvement has been my state of mind. I am so much more open and confident since I started at Albany CrossFit two years ago. Seeing myself get stronger and healthier definitely makes me feel better, and it shows in the way I carry myself. I am a much different person than I was two years ago, I can honestly say I am happy!
I am known at work as "Muscles McAulay" because I am the one in the office who people ask when they need help moving or lifting something. They'll even ask me over the men in the office! Besides that, I just feel better about life. I am a more positive person because I feel better about myself.
Of course I love all of the stories at Albany CrossFit – every person in that place has their own success story, whether it's losing over 200 pounds, or turning from a body builder into a functional athlete. I'd have to say that my favorite story is that of Renee Fitzgerald. I don't think she is praised enough for the work she has put in over the past few months since she started at ACF. The physical change has been amazing (she has lost 57 pounds since May, and can already clean 125#- amazing!).  You can tell she put in a lot of hard work at the gym and also her diet. She has embraced the "lifestyle" of CrossFit, and that is overall health, not just working out. She eats clean, looks amazing and she is a tough cookie with big goals and a strong determination. I love seeing her melt away the pounds, all while getting stronger, and she never brags about it. I am happy to call her one of my friends.